Our Tax practice is developed around functions such as Corporate Tax, Petroleum Profit Tax, Indirect Taxes (VAT and Customs duties), Personal Income Tax, and Withholding tax management. Our tax practice is structured into specialized teams that provide varied tax compliance and advisory services to clients operating in all sectors of the Nigerian economy. We also advise clients on a wide range of tax issues including restructuring for maximum tax advantage.
Our Tax advisory and planning services include:
Company Income Tax
Companies Income Tax (CIT) is the tax on the profits of incorporated entities in Nigeria. It also includes the tax on the profits of non-resident companies carrying on business in Nigeria. The tax is paid by limited liability companies inclusive of the public limited liability companies. It is therefore commonly referred to as a corporate tax.
Value Added Tax
Investment planning & strategy Maecenas cursus mauris libero, a imperdiet enim pellentesque id. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse sit amet sapien at risus efficitur sagittis.
Withholding Tax
Investment planning & strategy Maecenas cursus mauris libero, a imperdiet enim pellentesque id. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse sit amet sapien at risus efficitur sagittis.